
About Golden Era Media

Golden Era Media is an international video production agency that delivers pro-level filmmaking & editing for personal brands and companies in business and personal development. We work with entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, and influencers who want to grow their brand with performance-driven videography.

Over the last 5 years, our team has developed a proven formula in visual storytelling that’s optimised for the ranking algorithms of major content platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. This allows us to not only create strong brand and marketing assets through videography but also build a lasting connection with your audience.

So why the name “Golden Era”?

Every art form in history had its golden age, a period of time when the craft and its creators truly thrived and reached their highest potential; be it painting, classic literature, or hip-hop.

We see social media videography as a form of modern art and science — a craft that’s now rising to its golden age. We want to be at the forefront of this evolution and create videos for our clients that make them proud.

Watch some of our previous work.

What People Say About Us

Gerard Adams – Serial Entrepreneur
( teuntotony US flag U.S.)

Jason Silva – Keynote speaker/ Futurist & Storyteller
( 🇻🇪 Venezuela)

Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani – Co-founder of Mindvalley
🇪🇪 Estonia)

Joel Brown – Founder of Addicted 2 Success
🇦🇺 Australia)

Travis Believes – CEO of Innerlight Media
( teuntotony US flag U.S.)

Gautam Khetrapal – Founder of Lifeplugin
teuntotony india flag India)

Ready to jump on a call?

Book a free discovery call with our team and let’s talk about what you need so we can create a personalised package that works best for your brand.

We are an international video production company that produces films and videos for personal brands and companies that focus on entrepreneurship and personal development.
Voor een beperkte tijd beschikbaar

Tijden Zijn In Nederland

Voor een beperkte tijd beschikbaar

Tijden Zijn In Nederland

De groei fase

Wij helpen video ondernemers om meer tijd, geld en rust te vinden terwijl hun organisatie groeit.

Van Freelancer tot Business Owner: 5-Day Challenge voor Video Creators

Ontdek Het Vijfstappenplan Om Je Eigen Succesvolle Videobedrijf Te Realiseren

Bekijk de GRATIS replay hier

Van Freelancer tot Business Owner: Een GRATIS 5-Day Challenge voor Video Creators

Ontdek Het Vijfstappenplan Om Je Eigen Succesvolle Video Business Te Realiseren